Category: Hearing Health

Why Do My Ears Feel Wet in the Morning?

Ever wake up with the sensation of wet ears and wonder why? The answer is simpler than you might think. This feeling is often due to the increased production of ear wax, or cerumen, which plays several crucial roles: moisturizing the skin, trapping dust, repelling insects, and offering anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. The Role of Ear Wax Ear wax initially 

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Hunting and Hearing Protection

There’s nothing like National Protect Your Hearing Month in October to bring two important passions together — hearing health and hunting. If you love being in the great outdoors to get that perfect shot, we want to help you make it happen without hearing loss. Here’s what you need to know about safeguarding your ears while maintaining your A-game. What’s 

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Early Hearing Loss Screenings Can Prevent Developmental Delays in Children

Hearing is critical to a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. If hearing loss goes undiagnosed, severe delays can occur, and speech and the ability to understand language can be affected. Early detection and intervention can minimize the negative impacts of hearing loss. Each state has established an Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program to identify hearing loss and 

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Heart Health and Hearing: An Unlikely Relationship

It might seem a little strange that your audiologist is interested in your heart health. Yes, she thinks you’re wonderful and wants you to be healthy, but she also knows that there is a direct relationship between your hearing and your cardiovascular health. What’s The Link? Your inner ear (cochlea) is tiny! About the size of an aspirin tablet. And 

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Beyond the Ear: Auditory Processing and Working Memory

Auditory Processing and Working Memory “I can hear, I just can’t understand.” Sound familiar? As an audiologist, I hear this complaint many times a day. It can be difficult, in the rush of a hearing appointment, to stop and talk about the importance of auditory processing. The focus of most of my time with patients is on the hearing aids or 

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Tackling Hearing Loss: Hope for Tomorrow, Help Right Now

Science is making remarkable strides in the pursuit of better treatments and a potential cure for hearing loss, a prevalent chronic condition affecting millions globally. Here are three noteworthy developments: GENETICS: Professor Xue Zhong Liu, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, secured a $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for groundbreaking research. 

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Winter’s Here: Protect Your Ears

As the last leaves fall from deciduous trees, cupboards fill with yummy holiday treats, and bears dig in for a season of sleep, are your ears ready for winter? From allergies and colder temps to the louder sounds of the season, winter can do a number on your ears if you’re caught unprepared. Experience every moment of winter cheer with 

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Stay Connected During the Holidays: 7 Tips for Hearing Your Best

  Whether parties or dinners, there are countless opportunities during the holidays to gather with loved ones. That means plenty of chances to practice our tips for giving yourself the greatest gift of all: connection. Read on to get started. Give Yourself a Firm Foundation Put together a holiday better-hearing kit and keep it in your bag or purse wherever 

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Get the Home-Field Advantage With Hearing Protection

It’s not fall without football. It’s not football without the shouting, whistling, and stomping of thousands of fans — a cacophony so powerful that it alone can change the course of a game. Many teams consider their fans their extra player, their 12th man. Being the 12th man is inspiring and energizing, but if you’re not careful, it can damage 

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Use Your Brain!

Your ears serve as the gateway to a symphony of sounds, but it’s your incredible brain that orchestrates the act of hearing. The human brain boasts a complex network of connections, processing an astonishing influx of sound information every second and transforming it into meaningful experiences. The way this happens is nothing short of miraculous! Picture this scenario: You’re sitting 

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