Early Hearing Loss Screenings Can Prevent Developmental Delays in Children

Hearing is critical to a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. If hearing loss goes undiagnosed, severe delays can occur, and speech and the ability to understand language can be affected. Early detection and intervention can minimize the negative impacts of hearing loss. Each state has established an Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program to identify hearing loss and provide intervention before the age of six months.

What Do You Do as a Parent?

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, each EHDI program ensures that every newborn is screened for hearing loss before hospital discharge. If an infant fails the screening, it receives a diagnostic evaluation before the age of three months. When needed, it is enrolled in early intervention programs before turning six months old. Babies born in birthing centers or at home are still eligible and should be screened before three weeks of age.

A hearing screening is the first step in the hearing evaluation process. Initial screening failure isn’t always a result of hearing loss. Infants may fail due to the presence of fluid or debris in the ear, so a second screening should be scheduled to determine if further evaluation is needed. If a diagnosis is made after further evaluation, treatment should begin before six months of age, as it is most effective early on. Hearing loss occurs in one to three out of every 1,000 newborns — most often as a result of genetics, maternal infections during pregnancy, complications at birth, or trauma.

When the initial screening is passed, the infant’s hearing is presumed to be healthy, and regular testing should be scheduled intermittently from age four until age 18. If the screening is not passed, the child is referred to an audiologist for an in-depth hearing assessment to determine the cause and extent of hearing loss so that treatment can begin. Audiologists utilize multiple methods for testing a child’s hearing.

The Necessary Hearing Tests for Parents

There is a whole host of hearing tests for young patients believed to be dealing with some form of hearing loss. Your audiologist will work with you to determine the best test for your child. Here are a few of the well-known ones:

Behavioral Audiometry Evaluation

The Behavioral Audiometry Evaluation is commonly used for infants and toddlers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this evaluation determines how the child responds to sound overall. During the test, the patient is observed for changes in their behavior, such as quieting or searching for sound. When they produce the correct response, they receive visual reinforcement. Older children may be given a more play-centered activity.

Auditory Brainstem Response

The Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) involves placing electrodes on the infant’s head. Clicking sounds are played through tiny earphones while the electrodes measure the hearing nerves’ response. The responses are recorded, and wave patterns are mapped. Irregular patterns indicate the abnormal functioning of the inner ear and the brain’s hearing pathways.

Otoacoustic Emissions

During the Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) test, pulse sounds are emitted through a small probe placed in the ear. A computer records and averages echo responses from the inner ear’s outer hair cells. Though a standard recording typically indicates healthy hearing, hearing loss may still be present due to issues in other parts of the hearing pathways. The OAE is used in collaboration with the ABR to screen newborns.


Tympanometry is a procedure performed in collaboration with a visual ear exam. It is used to identify issues that may be present in the middle ear, such as the presence of fluid, an eardrum perforation, or wax blockage. This test uses air pressure into the ear canal to reveal the eardrum’s mobility. A tympanogram (the graphic representation of the test) is then created and either results in a peaked pattern, which indicates mobility, or a flat line, indicating a lack of movement — suggesting a disorder might be present.

Middle Ear Muscle Reflex

The Middle Ear Muscle Reflex (MEMR) tests the ear’s reaction to loud sounds. A healthy ear will respond to loud noise levels by contracting the inner ear muscles. During testing, loud sounds are delivered to the ear canal, and the response or muscle reflex is measured.

What You Need to Look Out for If You’re Concerned About Your Child’s Hearing

There are several milestones that parents can look for as an indicator of normal hearing development:

  • Infants are startled by sudden, loud noises
  • At around three months, babies will recognize and turn toward their parents’ voices
  • At six months, infants typically turn their eyes toward sound
  • At one year, children will begin to imitate sounds and make attempts at simple words

A child may have hearing loss if:

  • They prefer excessively high volume for television or radio
  • Speech development seems impaired
  • They seem to be struggling academically
  • There is a noted lack of response to conversation-level requests or directions

Parents should seek an evaluation for their child if they exhibit hearing loss indicators or fail to meet developmental milestones. An audiologist can work closely with doctors, educators, and speech pathologists to perform tests and implement interventions that will vastly improve a child’s overall future development and the health prospects of our local community.

Trust the Audiologists at Vibrant Hearing

Vibrant Hearing is here to help if you suspect your child is dealing with a hearing issue. Our audiologists are constantly working to learn the latest techniques to help anyone who needs help with their hearing. Contact us today to schedule an exam and learn more from our caring staff of specialists.

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