iPhone and Hearing Aids: Part 2

The last few posts have been about specific and useful features of the iPhone. This week we will talk about some fun but optional features.

  1. Did you know your iPhone will allow closed captions? Just navigate back to your favorite ‘Accessibility’ menu and scroll down to ‘Subtitles and Captioning.’
  2. If you’re of a certain age and the small stuff is getting a little harder to see, you can also use the ‘Accessibility’ menu to make the font bigger and bolder!
  3. Finally, don’t forget the original accessibility option … the Text message. Sure, it lacks emotion and intimacy, but for shopping lists and quick messages, it is the most useful technology of the bunch.

Finally, all iPhones are rated M4T4 and should work relatively well with any hearing aid that has a telecoil. If you aren’t sure about your hearing aids’ compatibility with your telephone, just ask you audiologist. With a little engineering and some clever audiology tricks, you can be talking on the phone with ease and enjoyment.

See the images below for step-by-step screenshots of the above process.

/* Product Selector */ // show only 1 product always