
Moisture Prevention for Hearing Aids

Moisture Prevention for Hearing Aids:  Protecting Your Devices during the Summer Season. The month of May introduces a well-known period of summer heat!  This means that extra care should be taken to ensure your hearing devices are working to their full potential. Although hearing aids are advertised as being “water resistant”, they are not “waterproof”.  In addition to humidity that 

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Hearing Aid Resources For Our Veterans

As a service-disabled veteran, I can certainly identify with many who are frustrated with the frailties of the Veterans Affairs healthcare system. Yes- authorizations are taking a long (long, looong) time- between the pandemic and the elections and the holidays, the system got a little gummed up. We are proud participants in the Community Care Network and have multiple conversations every 

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Hearing Loss Impacts Many Aspects of Life — Not Just Hearing

Hearing loss occurs gradually in most individuals. Because of this, many people don’t recognize the damage that is being inflicted on their overall health and quality of life. Research over the past 15 years has only begun to emphasize the importance of seeking treatment when people begin to notice their hearing loss becoming a factor in their daily life. Only 

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The Role of Nutrition and Lifestyle in Hearing Health

Hearing loss is a common issue among older adults, and while hearing aids have been a well-known solution, recent research suggests that a healthy diet rich in specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients could potentially delay or even prevent the need for such devices as we age. Among these key nutrients, folic acid, a water-soluble B vitamin known for its role 

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Hunting and Hearing Protection

There’s nothing like National Protect Your Hearing Month in October to bring two important passions together — hearing health and hunting. If you love being in the great outdoors to get that perfect shot, we want to help you make it happen without hearing loss. Here’s what you need to know about safeguarding your ears while maintaining your A-game. What’s 

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Understanding Tinnitus: Causes, Types, and Management

Tinnitus, a common condition, affects millions, often in subtle ways that escape notice. An estimated 50 to 60 million individuals experience the peculiar sensation of phantom ringing, whistling, or buzzing sounds, typically perceivable only to them. A smaller percentage, around 1 to 2 percent, find tinnitus debilitating. Although no cure exists, treatment can significantly improve their quality of life and 

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Early Hearing Loss Screenings Can Prevent Developmental Delays in Children

Hearing is critical to a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. If hearing loss goes undiagnosed, severe delays can occur, and speech and the ability to understand language can be affected. Early detection and intervention can minimize the negative impacts of hearing loss. Each state has established an Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program to identify hearing loss and 

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Ototoxicity and The Risk of Chemical Exposure Related to Hearing Loss

While noise is the single greatest cause of occupational hearing loss, other components that can affect healthy hearing often fly under the radar of unsuspecting employees and, in some cases, business owners who aren’t fully aware of the dangers that some toxins represent to workers. Chemicals, metals, solvents, asphyxiants, and heat may play a larger role in hearing loss than 

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Stuck at home? We are too!

Hi there! While we are all resigned to this new reality, it can be super frustrating if your hearing system isn’t working properly. Even though our doors are locked we have devised a mail-in system so we can take care of you. Using a high-performance UV system, we are sanitizing your equipment before we mail it back to you so 

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